Bladeworks returns for 2019!
Bladeworks is a 2.5 day Historical European Martial Arts Event hosted this year by EliteArchery just outside Bangor NI.
There are several ways to get involved:
1. If you are an existing HEMA practitioner come along for the weekend for a series of technical classes, some free-sparring, and fechtschules for longsword, sabre/broadsword, rapier, and messer;
2. If you're not a HEMA practitioner and want to come along to watch then join us on the Sunday for the fechtschules and see the experienced fencers compete to demonstrate their technical ability!
3. If you've never tried HEMA before but would like to, keep an eye on this event page! We may also incorporate something for you as well.
The event will kick off on the Friday evening with a workshop for anyone arriving that day to start the event off in suitable fashion!
Saturday will be closed to the public, but will feature a series of technical workshops in various weapons, including one day-long workshop in longsword. These technical workshops are for existing HEMA practitioners only.
On Sunday there will be a final couple of workshops in the morning, and then a series of fechtschule on the weapon systems covered in the technical classes and an opportunity for the public to watch. There will be also be some test cutting for those interested HEMA practitioners (there will be a small additional charge for this to help us cover the costs of tatami).
Indoor 'camping' accommodation is provided in the venue for the HEMA practitioners staying for the weekend for free; so bring a carry mat/camp bed/airbed, and a tent! Camping will be sheltered so no need to worry about the weather! We'll have our assortment of boardgames and diversions to keep us all entertained for the evenings, just like last year!
There will be tea and coffee available all day Saturday and Sunday and we will confirm food arrangements - breakfast and lunch will be similar to last year most likely; but there is also the Rambling Rose restaurant adjoining the venue, and a variety of takeaways, shops, and other places within a couple of minutes drive.
For more details visit: or